What you see here is the final proof from the printer. Normally this is the very last step. But, being a little teeny (stupid ass) baby in this process I had mucho corrections from this proof - so we're doing it again. After this it's a digital proof and then TO PRINT!!!
I realize this is getting boring, talking of nothing else but this damn book. When you get bored with it, imagine you are Peter. That should take the sting away for at bit, at least.
I've loved many things in my life, but dang, how this tops the list. My husband is truly the love of my life. no doubt. My kids fill my heart to an unmeasurable amount of joy. Wouldn't trade them for anything. But this book. ahhh..this book. I've never loved an inanimate object as much as this book. I love it more and more with every glance. It makes my heart (literally) skip a beat when I think of it.
I pray y'all like it.....
YAY! It looks great and I LOVE that it has a spiral binding. I'm so happy for you, Michelle.
Are you kiddin' me!? I LOVE it already. :)
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