Sunday, June 25, 2006

all soaked in california

Noah and Grandpa sent me some pictures today. He's having a good time. Still getting sad at night but by these pictures you'd never know it.

Here's Noah doing a handstand.

If this isn't an all boy move I don't know what is.

I'm still kinda of kicking myself for fighting going digital for so long. This is so dang awesome. Dad and Noah can go swimming on Sunday, take a couple pictures, email them to me, and in minutes I can have them uploaded here for all to see.

Remember when the fax was cool? LOL

GREAT JOB NOAH! thanks for the pictures! I miss you. I love you. I'll see you in 5 days!


Unknown said...

Awwwww- what cute photos! And great action shots. :)

I resisted digital for a long time, too. I hate change, but then wonder why the heck I waited so long with just about every techno gadget/program I purchase. Then look like a total copycat when I finally get it...

Hi, Noah!! :)

Michelle said...

well at least I'm in good company :)

Lisa said...

well--i have a love/hate relationship with digi but it's growing on me!! love that "boy pool" move!!