Wednesday, August 31, 2005

bye bye bassinet

My little one, Kate, has grown out of the bassinet. She's 4 1/2 months now and we've moved her to her own bed.
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aaah....How sweet is she?

She'll be in with Sarah eventually. But for now she's in a pack'n'play thingie in my scrapbook room. We're 'testing it out' for a couple days/weeks first waiting to see how she does. We're hoping they'll both sleep in there without waking the other one up. We'll see. Kate's super quiet. Sarah's loud! haha My biggest problem, though, is keeping big brother outta there. He's alway so excited to play with his sisters.

I'll be packing up the bassinet today. It's seen a lot of love in it's life. I bought it from my neighbor when I was pregnant with Sarah. She'd used it for her 2nd born. I kept it for Kate and now I'm going to donate it to the children's ministry at my church. So it will continue to keep safe and warm another beautiful little life. I wonder how many more babies will sleep in it. Kinda makes me wish I could put Lo-Jack on it or something, so I can track it's whereabouts! haha

Bittersweet day. I'd figured it would hurt more...Kate being my last n'all. But it's really not. Dare I say it's almost exciting. Something about my babies growing up that...well...makes me feel...warm.

I like feeling warm.

1 comment:

Mimi said...

Oh, how sweet!