Thursday, October 05, 2006

basket races

For those you haven't seen our home we have this long hallway/foyer that connects the bedroom side of the house to the kitchen family room side. It's tiled and always been a favorite place for Noah, especially, to slide on with his socks on. It pretty much drives me crazy.

I'm not completely sure how they came up with the idea to add the laundry basket to the mix...maybe because just running didn't make me go quite bonkers enough. Maybe it wasn't so sinister and they just saw the basket there, calling them.

I suppose it doesn't matter. They figured out the plastic was perfect for sliding. So here they are in all their basket racing glory. When Noah pushed the girls they could get going pretty fast and the girls would just squeel with laughter. Noah insisted that he get pushed too, and Sarah, being the strongest little girl I know (quite literally to0 - this girl has her dad's freakish strength) would push him and Kate just about as fast.

I have to admit, it was pretty damn fun. :) But I'm pretty sure any authority I had (not that it was much) about not running through the house was lost when I started routing them on to go faster and look at the camera!


Anonymous said...

looks like fun! you have the cutest kids! :)

Unknown said...

Haha! That's awesome!

Anonymous said...

How FUN! I am with Noah, I would want to get pushed too! GOOD TIMES!Tammi

Lisa said...

the best part is noah insisting he get pushed!!! HA HA too cute.

Kerry said...

I swear, there is just something about kids and laundry baskets!! Too funny! Love the pictures!!!

Maddy said...

Hey! We do that at our house too! Except Nate is not as freakishly strong as Ellie, so poor Ellie rarely gets a turn since there is no way I'm pushing a basket around. You do it once and you're stuck doing it FOREVER.